Friday, March 27, 2020

Trinity Hall Classroom

Trinity Hall ClassroomThe Trinity Hall's tagline, 'Excellence Made Possible' is a common one when it comes to the school program. However, the similarities between the hall and the rest of the campus are not limited to the tagline, but also includes the philosophy of excellence that the school embraces. I, as a parent of a son attending the Trinity Hall School, have come to see this philosophy in my son's education and with each year I watch him progress through the various subjects he is enrolled in.One of the hall's unique assets is its schedule. The school schedules classes for all students. As a result, there is no one class that is an exception. This means that the child has access to all of the necessary tools to learn and that this student is aware of what his classmates are doing at any given time.The reality of the situation is that all students receive a certain amount of educational programming throughout the day. Those that perform better and those that don't are the ones that receive more attention. If a child is not performing at his best, they receive assistance from a tutor book or 'mentor.'The Hall's mentor program is geared towards assisting students in their overall education. It is often times an intensive program for most of the students. This program teaches a certain level of core curriculum, some course work that will be required in a degree program, and can lead to the student being able to enter into a career of their choice. The one thing that this program does not offer is an education in the arts.In addition to their resource library and study room, the hall boasts a great environment that helps them educate their students. There are many activities on campus to keep the students busy, which provides a distraction from the classroom environment. This method is an efficient way to teach them about other things and helps to keep their attention.The other program offered by the Hall is called 'Trinity Spirit.' This program, which is in tended for students who are working toward a higher level of education, assists them with a large number of things including basic self-discovery, career planning, and the formation of lifelong friendships. This program is an excellent opportunity for students to spend some time with other students to gain important insight into themselves and in the process improve their overall life experiences. This program is the reason for the Hall's expansion.I encourage parents to carefully research the Hall and look into the different programs available. Parents should also consider participating in the student's school program, which not only helps their child to meet their education goals, but also gives them an opportunity to make some new friends that they would not have if they were not in the program.

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